Rediscovering The Favorite

Rediscovering The Favorite

He set me free in the open and rescued me because he loves me.

Psalm 18:20

I will instruct you and show you the way you should walk.

Psalm 32:8

There they be, my two, most loved Bible quotes.
And both set of words have exact moments attached,
where I was, what I was feeling,

Show Me

and what was attained, once found.

& Kindness

Truth be told ??
I don’t spend time with that treasure trove of wonderful nowhere near as I have in the past.
I know it’s there, I see it every day as it sits on my desk along with other special bits and pieces of my life.
I glance every now and again, those colors, forever warming my heart.

Happy Highlight

but not like I use to … not like I need to …
for within those pages, I’ve found helpfulness and simpleness.
Words that have calmed my insides more times than I dare count.

He ♥ Is

& yes, My Absolute, Favorite Book,
I believe it’s time to rediscover.


With You For You And You