He ♥ Is

He ♥ Is

I’m feeling the need to repeat words today.


… ♥ …

One of the sweetest sentences I’ve ever had the pleasure of stumbling upon is

from the book Embraced By The Light  by Betty Eadie.
And if you adore documented, out of body experiences, and haven’t yet read, ! DO ! ’cause hers is a good one.

I think about this sentence every day as I turn off the tv that remains on throughout the night.
There he is, this man, his bible and his early morning religion.
Stern frown. Pointed finger.
Thump, thump, thumping.
Pound, pound, pounding.
Insist, insist, insisting.

& although I keep the sound down and have no plans to listen to his words, I all the time wonder WHY  is he so angry ???!?? He’s talking about ♥ JESUS ♥  and THAT should be the happiest subject EVER !!

& so, I pick up my own tattered, highlighted go-to, flip through the pages and verify what I already know.

Yep.  Jesus is a nicey.

He is not judge-y , jealous, divisive or hateful.
He is never arrogant or self righteous.
Negative ?
Fake ?
Ugly ?
Not ever.

My Jesus is kind, concerned and caring.
He’s loving, loyal, and accepting.
He forgives.
He understands.
He builds.

& doubt ?
What’s doubt ?
There is no such thing with my friend, Jesus.

& when someone believes in Him
I mean really, REALLY believes in Jesus
That someone will be just like Him, in everything they do, everything they say.
Because being like Jesus is automatic, genuine, natural.

It’s simple.
It’s beautiful
It’s so incredibly easy.

& where those boiling point, riled up, fury of syllables come from Mr. Man On The Television, I cannot fathom and will never, ever know. The Jesus I turn to is my confidant, my focus, my buddy and I look forward to the day, when reunited, I will exclaim

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Because He is.
He sooooooo is.

With You For You And You