Just Write

Just Write

Some might assume it’s because I’ve recently watched The Social Dilemma on Netflix which, btw, is a very eyeball opening way to spend 90 minutes. But nope, this has been brewing and stewing for quite a L O N G while.

Among the various things my inner voice whispers and pesters about, time is most definitely top of the list. Quit wasting it !! she continually pleads. You’re giving it waaaaay too much energy.

& yep, I’d agree, that’s probably true. But day after day after day, there I’d be, there I’d care, hoping that maybe, just maybe, TODAY would be THE DAY. The day where my words were !! noticed !! wholeheartedly, overwhelmingly, truly, REALLY noticed by the masses. But, alas, those food pics, those selfies, those adorable puppies would wash over my sentences, yet again

& again

& again

Yes, FaceBook, this is how your “like” button invaded my brain. Slowly and extremely surely, it allowed my writer’s doubt to BE. Not all the time, not every time, but I assure you, it was there, always there. But, I’d keep on keeping on anyway. I’d place myself and my blog into this land of friends, daily, with the faithful, AWESOME support of the souls who know me best, carrying, coaxing, urging me to Keep Doing

& yes, I’d forever remind me, I AM blessed.

But then and why and where it came from ?? negativity and politics and ugliness entered and reared it’s ugly head, FaceBook, true colors began to show. And oooooh, True. So yep, that’s when I decided to break away and take my business Elsewhere. But it wasn’t until yesterday, when I realized the gravity of the hold you had on my vibe.

11 years

11. YEARS. FaceBook

& call it stepping out of the vortex, call it outside looking in but WoW

just WOW

Freeeeeeee, I now feel, because I am entirely, genuinely writing for me.

!! ME !!

So let the paragraphs flow, my voice within (My Penny and You)

Where we go from here is a wonderful mystery !! guide me to where you need me to be. I am in tune, I am awakened and I’m no longer distracted by the chatter of others

JUST. WRITE. you’ve implored

and YaY

I believe I will. I know must. And I am.

I finally, finally am.


Above The Rain