Extra ! Extra

Extra ! Extra

& !! WoW !! I exclaimed as I stumbled upon these amazing words.


I absolutely cannot imagine anything easier.

Can YOU ??

& just because I love to google, I decided to check out what exactly it means to do or be extraordinary


going beyond what is usual or regular

Hey ! I can do THAT !! In fact, I do believe I will start with a little EXTRA today,

extra kindness,

extra hope,

extra love,

extra encouragement

extra weeeeee !! and gleeeeeeee !! because I am HERE and NOW !!

& if MY  little bitty extra just so happens to help YOU in any way, shape or form and YOU go about this day adding a pinch or two here and there and everywhere ??!??

uh huh

ONE. JOB. I have.

& yep

I am soooooo going  EXTRA !


Simple Things