Curious Angel

Curious Angel

Truth be told, this is not the first time I’ve misheard lyrics

Mashed Potatoes

and I’m quite confident, it won’t be the last. But as the radio station took me back in time with Mr. Mister’s fantastic melody, Kyrie, a glance at the all-knowing dashboard, which tells me titles and such, pretty darn stopped me right, smack dab it my tracks, with a WAIT !! WHAT ??!??? You’ve seriously got to be kidding me !!

Now, to be honest, I’ve always liked this song, but never, ever gave much energy to what was actually being said and in my mind, I’d hear !! CURIOUS ANGEL !! every. single. time. those nice souls belted out KYRIE ELEISON.

Every. Single. Time.

Then I’d hum along, mind wandering elsewhere, not paying one bit of attention to the message being sent. But  you best believe !! this time !! on this day !! once Husband and I were hunkered back home, I googled, and boy, is my face red, ’cause little did I know …


uhhhhh, can someone please explain, just where I was when, back in the day, I’m pretty darn sure the priest would say this in church ??!?? And, um, HOW DID I NOT ALREADY KNOW THIS ??!?? as a simple glance at the actual words places this tune on an entirely different level.


Thanks for the long overdue lesson in not only listening, but HEARING, Mr. Mister and wow, Kyrie, a curious-er curious angel, from this day forward, I soooooo need to be.


Above The Rain