

As many of you know, I am slow and steadily inching my way through self-publishing those long ago written children’s stories of mine with the fingers crossed end result being a delightful box-set titled, I Am My Feelings


& so far





all sit happily in Amazon-Land, waiting for your cute little selves to notice.


Today, I’d like to ohhhhh so inconspicuously introduce book #4, titled shy

& for those, like me, who tend to lean introvert ? Yep. This one is for us ♥ with a very enthusiastic it’s ok !! because as shy explains, it IS ok to hold back, to not want to be first, to tuck those feelings inside and pause before doing. Shy now doesn’t necessarily mean shy forever and that right there !! is what I hope my shy conveys best. BE YOU, whoever that YOU may be.

Big thanks to Toby Mikle for his amazing, colorfully spot-on talent, to my friend, Sawyer for her bubbly personality and artistic inspiration

and to those of you who take the time out of your busyness to remind this oftentimes unsure writer of just how very much you believe in me. I’ve said it once, twice, but here we go again, I would not, could not without loyal YOU and there are simply not enough syllables in this universe to express my infinite appreciation.

So. Here we go, World.


with big hugs and much love to the introverts and extroverts who made Book #4 possible.








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