When I Walk
The rain poured down in buckets all day yesterday and early morning today and as I turned over to zzzzz back to sleep I thought, c’mon, Universe ♥ all I’m asking for is one, simple walk before the BEARS game ♥ ’cause, umm, it’s been awhile since I’ve felt this selfish and ! ! YES ! ! I neeeeeeed to go back before the colors depart, I neeeeeeeed to listen to my tunes, I neeeeeeed to feel the ease of my happy place. Busy times, busy days, busy this, busy that pleasepleasepleasepleasePLEASE one moment, please.
& YaY
Bundle up, I did, see you in a bit, I exclaimed as I zipped on out that door, drove to my destination and stepped out of my vehicle to begin a trek I have not experienced in waaaay too many days
& there, I was instantly reminded that my heart finds happy in a forever smile,
my eyes can’t help but glance at an incline
that takes me back to a feel good memory
& when I walk upon the rusty bridge,
I am absorbed into a realm of quiet contentment
& ahhhhh
So walk, walk, walk I do until I reach that familiar turnaround point
& back to reality I go with seasonal
and excitable
surprises guiding my way.
I pass the pond
relieved that the geese have taken their business elsewhere.
I place a self-promoting magnet in a not so random spot,
venture back into the park
amazed and humbled by the burst of bright
& as I make my way home to watch a football game I had waited all week to see, I catch myself staring out the front window instead,
appreciative of the rains that brought today’s loveliness and extremely grateful for the words, the calm and the strength I find when I walk that awesome trail
& WoW
Thank you for the moment, Universe.
& WoW