

Funny how the universe lines things up ever so patiently and wonderfully and mysteriously.

Nicey, the third story in my #IAmMyFeelings children’s book series is HERE !!  Yep, it is sitting in Amazon-land as we speak, waiting for your cute little self to view. But before I hand you the link to it’s delightfulness, I must share a slow and steady journey.

You see, in my perfect, ideal world, Nicey would have entered your life in June, 2019 because that’s just what I had planned and that’s exactly what I told myself. Every. Three. Months. I shall call upon Toby Mikle  my awesome illustrator and Every. Three. Months. we will collaborate and !! I promise !! I’ll not get sidetracked and continue this pattern until my seven stories are out in the world in a convenient, boxed set.





with Nicey, shy, Bubbles, Love and Collin & The Big Bald Tree to follow.

See how lovely they all line up ?

Seems life had a different route for me though as it offered a detour here, a wait a minute there, a stubborn, humph-y, no can do today for many days attitude, a try it again, a stall, a zig-zag, a maybe this just isn’t meant to be doubting brain until shhh ! I finally listened to what I was being instructed and followed it’s please just HOLD ON until the timing is right mantra

& YaY, my S L O W D O W N stars have contentedly aligned.


um, hey, Universe ?

You told me a long, L O N G time ago what’s meant to be will always find a way and today, I am humbled by your guidance.


You’re a nicey.
