Cheers To Tears

Cheers To Tears

With a quick glance, with a slight touch or an ever so subtle  gee, I hadn’t noticed that before

oh yes, she’s here.

Of course she is, there’s a gathering of her favorite people happening this weekend and there’s nooooo way she’d miss, but we do and I wonder if she realizes how much.

ahhhh, Mom

I’ve learned many a lesson since you died 12 & 1/2 years ago, most importantly, you continue.
I may not be able to physically see you but I can feel your presence, I treasure your signs, we visit in dreams

& as with every wedding or graduation or reunion or holiday or miscellaneous event since you left this life, there will be a kaleidoscope of colorful emotions tumbling into our Saturday because truth be told ?? the missing you just never, ever ends.

So cheers to tears, Ma.

Tears for today and tears for those yesterdays. Tears of pride and hope and memories and love. Tears of happy times and new beginnings. Tears of thankfulness for what you did and how you did to build this solid foundation called US

& as you watch your granddaughter walk down that aisle, as you see your great-grands dancing and laughing and lost in their silly, as you look at that devoted man you call Husband and view your children all decked out and celebrating, know that we are thinking about you.


Because yes ! yes ! yes ! I know you are HERE, Mom

but d a n g, how I wish you were HERE.

Dancing With Jesus