

After a grand total of back and forth-ing to Chicago for 6 days in a row now

& after not wanting any part of this but having no choice but to buckle in and do, I was determined to concentrate on positive only as I memorized the new route I’ve been placed upon in this big city

& today, I thank you, Chicago, for the transparent visibility of your glow.

Here’s to the tough looking, burly man who gently eased the wheelchair bound millennial onto the train platform. With a genuine handshake, a thank you and a you sure you’ve got this ?? assurance, you parted ways as I wondered, friends ?? stranger ?? but, I guess it doesn’t much matter as your ear to ear smiles said it all

& here’s to the nice soul who paused his steps and politely whispered after you. I sooooo adore your gentlemanly gesture

& to the lady who sneezed on the train ? I too heard the scattered chorus of bless you !! from those of us surrounding you

& how’s about that baby, completely mesmerized by the Santa Claus lookalike waiting at the crosswalk light. Babbling, cooing and giggling with him, she truly spoke the universal language of love.

The contagious laughter from the work is over, let’s have some fun crew walking beside me was very refreshing as was the youngster LOUD and CLEAR announcing his urgent intentions as his mama quickly cleared the way to the public bathroom

& since I’m a fan of pen to paper, kudos to the woman with the written directions double-checking her whereabouts. You truly warmed my heart.

I witnessed happy hellos, returned smiles, helpful hands and opened doors. I appreciated slow walkers, gentle talkers and the boisterous bellows of construction worker chatter. I treasured the rhythmic spontaneity of music.

I noticed the gorgeousness of flowers

and enjoyed the memory filled vibe of old mailboxes

I felt the comfort of familiar (well, almost) name mile-markers

and experienced the simpleness of  young love

& to those tiny people floating through their yesterday on that big ‘ol river ?

yep. I saw you too

& I am sincerely grateful for your reminder, Chicago, for what I sought, I found.

BIG city ??

You bet.

Bigger kindness ??


