Team Buck 2
Repeated, to remind, to nudge, to happily exclaim, we’ll see you next Saturday,
! ♥ !!
Seems to me, as I look back at words penned,
one simply cannot appreciate, I mean really, REALLY appreciate, the ups, the downs, the zig, the zag, the every day must do to get through
until gratitude nudges and quietly reminds,
It was September, 2018 when Husband and I last experienced the awesome energy of a Heart Walk.
2019 had it’s reasons, 2020, 2021, cancelled by Covid, 2022 being my turn to tackle the beast, but on September 16th of this year ?? We are soooooo there. For to hear those inspiring stories, to share space with survivors and to witness how the hope of ONE can multiply a thousand times over … is thankfulness at it’s purest, most precious form and a lesson like no other.
And having been through a rough patch ourselves, with eyes wide open to understanding, to compassion, to we get it, we know how this feels, I BIG HUG, applaud the American Heart Association for what they do, for how they do
& we’ll see you on that perfect Saturday in September, friends.