This Today

This Today

By my calculations, it doesn’t happen all that often but, then again, Math has never been my strong point
& without going into the minuscule details of it all, let’s just say I stepped into a downward spiral.
I’m not even sure how it happened but, once in, I found it hard to get out
& sure, I can blame it on not feeling 100% but, man oh man, as those days progressed, my mood in general decided to take a nosedive too.

Two yesterdays.
I lost two whole yesterdays, thank you very much.

I was mad and achy and pissy and unmotivated
Just Humph.

Dad called.
Kids called.
Siblings sent texts
& I pretended all was well, just a bit under the weather but, truth be told ?
If there was a way to catapult myself off this planet, I might have tried.
Why not ??
I could disappear into oblivion and nobody would even notice I was gone.

oh yeah.
It was that bad

& it was bound to happen.
I spend so much time searching for the bright side, I forget that life sometimes enjoys handing out those knuckle sandwiches.
I suppose I was due for a knock down reminder.

Yes indeedy do.
Sometimes life sucks.
Big Time
& YES, I know.
I know.
I know.
There are a whole bunch of people in this world with worse case scenarios.
I know.
But, I didn’t care.
My two yesterdays were all about me.
Feel sorry for ME
& that I did, very much so.

But, today is today
& come this today, I’m feeling light.

I am also feeling a need to share.

It’s not always pretty out there.
But, for every dark day there are a zillion lovely ones right behind it so, don’t stop
& when you think you might just be at the end of your rope ?
Think again.
When you’re convinced no one gives a rip about you, remember there is a someone who surely does.
When you’re certain you don’t have a clue what to do or where to go next ?
You do
& when you are positive you have hit rock bottom.
Maybe you have.
Maybe you haven’t.
Either way, GET UP.
Shake it off and go back to your square one.
Begin again.
Start over.
Baby step it if you must but remind yourself, you MUST.

Self pity, feeling sorry for yourself, woe woe woe is meeeeeee gets you absolutely nowhere.
I know, I’ve just wasted two of my yesterdays wallowing in that mucky yuck.
But today…. ?
TODAY is a brand new beginning, my friends
& today holds positives, encouragement and smiles.

It’s an up, down, happy, sad, crazy roller coaster ride, is what it is
& it’s called Life.
But, I’m here
& You’re here.
We. Are. Here.
So, YaY

Let’s Keep Doing.


Oh Yes I Can