Forgetful zzzzzz’s

Forgetful zzzzzz’s

Pretty sure Jesus was in my dream last night. Don’t know what was said or what, what, what but when I woke, I had such a warm, wonderful feeling of friendship wrapped around my whole self

& YaY. What an awesome way to start a day.

Barbara Bush dropped by to visit the night before last. We spoke as best friends do, as if we’ve known each other forever but when morning arrived and I poured that cup of coffee, poof !! whatever sentences we shared evaporated with the sun.

& hmmm.

I guess I’m dreaming again.

I mean, I’m 100% certain those nocturnal mind movies occur quite often and regularly and for the longest time I had VERY detailed, vivid dreams but for the last few months or so ?? nothing. nada. no recall. no activity to report AT ALL

& boooo. I like dreams and I wonder why ??? Why ?? WHY ??!??

shhhhh. Noooooo worries, Google informs and it’s highly unlikely there will be any physical, spiritual or mental consequences from dream-land forgetfulness, so calm down. According to those who know, I probably just sleep too heavily or wake up too quickly to remember.

So. There.

& umm, ok. I guess that makes sense. But, I’d soooooo rather remember !!! ’cause I have a lot of this and that’s running through my brain 24 / 7 and I REALLY hate missing out on any good stuff !! So tonight, I think I’ll put that journal back by my side with the fingers crossed hope of viewing some interesting scribble scrabbles in tomorrow’s a.m.

Who knows ?? My brain and I might hold the key to alllllll life’s mysteries, have the best-est best seller in the making or the prettiest lyric ever written or foresee the future or time travel the past or or or

! ! ! ! !

I’ll keep you posted.

But if you’re a gambler, I’d place a whole lotta $$$ on

