Yes, Sunrise

Yes, Sunrise

After a yesterday boggled down with what if’s, why’s and wonders

& after a last night full of lightning, buckets of rain, severe thunderstorm and flash flood alerts, I woke up this morning to some delightful affirmations sent to me, once again, by my friend, Pinterest

& when I made my way to #11 with it’s  The sunrise fills me with confidence mantra, you best believe I thought

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

& when I glanced out my window to look at the puddles and caught a brief moment of

I wholeheartedly exclaimed ! HAPPY !

& when I just happened to notice an elusive visitor in my backyard

uh huh

I thanked those storm clouds for their lesson, I bid Doubt’s infinite questions goodbye

& yes, Sunrise. I will spend today brimming in your confidence.

♥ Thanks ♥

Above The Rain