Bright Orange

Bright Orange

I saw her a couple hundred feet ahead of me as I was making my way up the little hill and I thought hmmm, what’s she doing ??

Bright Orange Shirt Lady would tiny step, tiny step, tiny step, pause, pause, pause, bend down, look around, redo and repeat.

She must have a dog, I inferred.  Yep, a teensy dog I cannot see is keeping this woman with the oddball gestures from advancing. But as I strolled closer, I realized, nope. No puppy.


It was when she crouched down one more time that I spotted her phone and ah-Ha !! NOW I Get IT !!  I said to me.

I soooooo get it.

Bright Orange Shirt Lady came out of her trance and noticed at the precise moment our paths crossed. Embarrassed, she began an explanation of what she was up to, as if she felt I needed to know why.

“I do the same thing” I offered. “All. The. Time.”

Her smile truly brightened my day as she went on to say how she adores the wildflowers, how she comes out here specifically to take pictures at certain times of the year, how this place is so peaceful, pleasant and beautiful. I could not have agreed more and after a very delightful conversation, she and her pics went one way, I trekked another

& YaY. How I love common bonds.

It wasn’t too many minutes later when I spotted the ballerina girls in their intricately designed tutus, prancing and dancing in the sunlight.

& SCREECH, DEAD STOP, I did, I had to !! They were just so darn glorious !! face to face, contorted this way and that and yep, yep !! how strange I looked to the average passer-by-er.

! weeeee !

Ain’t it funny how when I’m the one and you’re the one and he, she and they are the ones doing the same, exact thing we minutes before deemed confusing or peculiar or offbeat or outlandish ??


Thanks for the reminder Bright Orange Shirt Lady and if it makes you happy,

& if it makes me happy,

& if it makes every single one of US happy,

I soooooo hope we never, ever, EVER stop doing what we do.
