

Our early morning chatter was LOUD as we gathered in their kitchen. Introductions. check. Decisions. check. This stuff, that stuff. check check check

& in the midst of the noisy excitement inside, sat that big, this is really happening, moving truck, outside.


It was there. It was time.

I glanced his way as he quietly wandered into his parents’ bedroom. I tiptoed behind him to see what was up and there he sat, patiently listening for any movement from his little brother’s two-way, sound monitor

and in the hustle, bustle busyness surrounding this 5 year old, his only concern was that we would not hear, if sleeping Sibling called out names.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Fast forward 10 minutes later, where brothers are gleefully hopping, bopping around and so began this day of change in these happy, uncomplicated lives.

Together is all that matters.

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  1. 1.
    make or become different.
    _ _ _ _ _

Oooooh, Change !!

For such a simple definition, you sure are an intimidating force in this world called ADULT.

We question, we wonder. We doubt, we compromise. Should we ? Could we ? Dare we ? But it is in that stop, shhhhh, hushed moment right before our  L E A P where we realize,

we trust

we know

& yes, Grandsons, you are correct.

Together is all that matters.

Oh Yes I Can