Hopeful Happy

Hopeful Happy

grumble grumble
gripe gripe

Sometimes I feel as if the whole world has gone negative on me.
The comments shared, the thoughts spoken, the ugliness expressed.


Everything seems to have such a disheartening spin to it these days.
Is EVERYONE jumping onto that dark and dismal bandwagon ??

Helloooooooo ? ? ?

& you know I like to keep it positive around here, right ?
Well I gotta tell you, some days it sure ain’t easy.

Some days, I feel like caving into the crabbies.
Ok. Ok.
You won Team Negative.
Are you happy now ?
Life does suck so why should we even flippin flip flip bother ?!?
We should all just pack our bags and call it quits.


& then …

an unassuming, blissful creature called Hope floats on by and ever so gently reminds me.

A song.
An unexpected grin.
A child’s artwork.
A stranger’s manners.
A helping hand.

It’s the million, zillion, teeny, tiny, simple things that we all experience every single day.
THAT’S what makes this place called Earth so darn beautiful.

A “Good Morning !!”.
A precious thought, remembered.
A sunset.
A warm bowl of soup.
An ‘I care”.

Simple Happiness.
Wonderful Hope.

So. Yeah.
Team Negative ?
The EXIT sign is to your right.
Please leave the premises, immediately.

I’m counting allllllll my blessings today and I have plenty !
So many in fact, that I do believe I’ll pass around my extras.

Here’s one for you
& you
& you and you and you.

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Team Positive, my friends.
It’s the ONLY way to be.
Keeping it upbeat, thankful, continual and bright.

Try it  🙂  You’ll like it.

