Beautifully Balanced

Beautifully Balanced

Sometimes it seems so incredibly one-sided, this love we share.
He, with His simple, infinite pledge to ask and you will be given, seek and you will find
and me with my … ? …
He loves me more than I love me and why ??? I oftentimes wonder.

why ???!??

He picks me up EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. I fall.
He no questions asked welcomes me back when I stray. And when I’m certain I’ve tested Him to his limit and THIS TIME He surely will have enough, He quietly, gently holds me closer and reminds me.
His devotion is unending.

I’ve hurt Him more times than I dare count and yet, He’s unconditional.

And it’s this today and tomorrow, Holy Thursday and Good Friday, for Him, my heart aches.

I find myself imagining how frightened He must have felt in those moments, knowing what came next, but unwilling to detour, so committed, He was. And I think of the times I’VE not wanted to do or say, where I was the one on my knees with that fearful, tearful cry of PLEASE, please ! when I’VE made casual adjustments to my future because it was easier to push away, to pretend, to hide.

But He continued, unselfishly, He DID
and crumble for HIM, these next 48, I will.

He is my home.
He is my heart.
And with a renewed promise, BIGGER I will try, better, I will become.
Thankful, hopeful, determined and humbled, I renew this bond we share.
And beautifully balanced with my friend, Jesus, I forever and always intend to be.

With You For You And You