and counting …

and counting …

My apologies to those who’ve viewed these words one too many times, but today is my 3rd anniversary
and yep,
I’m proud.


Three years ago, I made the somewhat excruciating decision to leave Facebook.


It was a pretty big life changer at that particular moment in time because … well … because it’s FACEBOOK. Why would anyone with a lick of sense and networking savvy dare exit this social media giant ??!??

just shhhh

And !! right there !!  sits the trouble with living in a vortex.

Outside Looking In

One really can’t see the whole picture, until that enlightened step-away. And for me ?? departing ranks as one of the  best decisions I’ve ever made.

Why ??
Because the seconds + minutes + hours + days + weeks + months + years I spent glancing and liking and wondering and checking and hoping and commenting and … and allowing the energy of the crowd to consume my brain cells is, quite frankly, embarrassing to admit. Facebook owned me in an odd sort of way. The day I realized this incredibly simple fact is the day I reclaimed my inner  ahhhhhh.

I write sentences in a pleasantly quiet corner of the world now, called
where some people may read, some people may not, and yet, I’ve never felt so doggone free.

It’s been 1,095 days and counting, my oh so friendly, albeit mind altering nemesis, Facebook
& yay.


! 🙂 !

Above The Rain