just shhhh
Penned in August, 2020 and 2 1/2 years later … I wouldn’t change a word.
When I tell them I’m not there anymore, they come back with the same, somewhat puzzled response.
Why ???
Followed by a small, whispered, oh
as if it might be their fault,
as if I’ve betrayed the team.
It’s not you, it’s ME.
yep. me.
Oh, Facebook.
It’s been two months, two solid months !! since I decided I needed this breakup (Elsewhere)
& yeah,
I do feel a bit melancholy, as I truly miss the genuine-s
& yes, it does feel kinda weird, weird because you were such an automatic, integral part of my days
& although I told myself I wasn’t checking in all THAT much,
I was.
Yes, I was
& when I made the much too gut-wrenching decision to leave for a while, Facebook, time really was the only reason why.
I just wanted mine back.
Empowering is the best way to describe
& I don’t mean to sound the way this self-righteously sounds, but there is a quiet, uplifting vibe attached to letting go.
I’ve stepped away.
From the masses, from the hustle, the bustle, the forever buzzy busyness
& for now at least, I am really, REALLY enjoying the silence.
No offense Facebook, but I highly recommend !! friends.
If only for a few.
Call it a retreat, a realignment,
a shhh, just shhhh.
You hear that noise ?
Neither do I.