Happy Numbers and Draft Day

Happy Numbers and Draft Day

Word on the street is today, yep, today !! is the anniversary of the day I entered this life. My birth day. YaY. So to honor this lovely occasion, Husband and I plan to purchase yummy-ness from THE best burrito place in town and park ourselves right smack dab in front of the tv to experience the NFL Draft. And if that ain’t a perfect, double celebration, I surely don’t know what is ! ♥ ♥ ! This day will also include calls, texts, cards and presents from my favorite souls on this planet AND a walk in a tree-filled park with Barry Manilow serenading my ears

& talk about  JOY !!! TO !! THE !!! MAX !!!


And, for whatever reason, whenever birthdays roll around, I become fascinated with numbers and numerology and such …


but this year, as I was diving into the vortex of google-land, I was taken on a mathematical journey to retrieve my super-duper,  NUMBER number !! and, curious me, of course, followed through. And just because I know you’re wanting to know … 11 … is my life path number … and the people who know these things also inform ..

“It is important to remember that Master Number 11, even though discussed here as a separate entity, is simply the higher, double digit vibration of the number 2. As such, you should also look at the definition of Life Path Number 2 as that is your base vibration.”

& WHOA. When I began this morning’s rambles, I thought, for sure !! there would be some profoundly awesome words of wisdom I could offer, but that’s just waaaaaaay too much mind-bending for my brain to bear at this moment, and allllll I can think about is …

Who Wants Cake


’cause !! it’s my birthday !!! and IT’S DRAFT DAY !!


and something tells me it’s going to be a good.

! ! ! ! woo hooooooo ! ! ! ! ! !


! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

‘Cause Jesus Told Me So


2 Replies to “Happy Numbers and Draft Day”

  1. It’s a Miracle, that, Even Now, with a new HC and GM, the Bears managed to come through the Draft unscathed. Despite not having a 1st round pick, you’d expect them to feel Ready To Take a chance Again, and Somewhere in the Night, to have fucked things up on Thursday.