And When

And When

A few whiles ago, I wrote …


and within those words I explained how my next poem, which was still hidden somewhere in the swirly, twirly-ness of my brain, would be titled And When.

& those who follow my rambles know every time I create a newbie, be it a children’s story or rhyme, I place a written copy into an envelope and take it to the post office …

because receiving mail from meeeeee = HAPPINESS

Here’s my latest.

! Enjoy !

And when I’m placed into this life
A promise I will keep
To love another as myself
To try, to hope, to seek

And when the noise gets much too loud
A quiet place, I’ll find
To open up my heart with love
Awaken to my blind

And when I see as you see me
And you as I instead
A gentle trust will fill my heart
Sweet joyfulness, I’ll spread

And when I take the time to know
Why you were placed here too
I’ll figure out, I’ll find a way
And treasure you, I do

And when I breathe my very last
Inspired by this quest
True legacy, I’ll leave behind
I was, but just a guest




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