

Pardon me if it seems you’ve heard these particular rambles for the UMPTEENTH time ’cause ummm, errr, you probably have. But when it comes to negativity and the nellies who INSIST on their dismal outlook for you, me and US ???

!! gaaaaaaa !! I seriously cannot stand it.

But there they are and here I am, allowing myself to be brought thisclose to the edge, wanting sooooo badly to just step right into that spiral of awful because, hey !! WHY NOT ???!?? at least I’d have a whole bunch of company as it seems everyone is already there. Ugly words, ugly thoughts, ugly this and that’s, continual and drip, drip, dripping into my very being until I want to scream STOP !! Would everybody just PLEASE STOP and REALIZE how hate is chipping away at our very core ??!??

It’s smothering is what it is
& if given the opportunity, it will suffocate the daylight right outta us.


Our world is what we make of it and how we look at it, my friends
& if we want to see dark and doom, we will always and forever see dark and doom.
But, if we stay in the light, take each day as it gets here and make the space around our very own selves pleasant ?

A domino effect of positivity is sure to follow
& if I am happy and you are happy and the lady in the office is happy and the guy at the store is happy and and and …

Hey Negative ?
You are truly wasting your time around here, so do us all a favor and leave. Just. LEAVE.  You can’t, you WON’T disturb our vibe if we don’t permit you in and guess what ??

The door’s that way  -> -> -> ->


