! ! A PACKAGE ! !

! ! A PACKAGE ! !

Seems odd, given the surge of Amazon and delivery services nowadays, but 30-some years ago, receiving a shipment on the porch step was a very, VERY big deal

and since today is her birthday, I offer you this rerun of one of my most memorable memories.

! Enjoy !

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Mail delivered packages were always a thrill when my children were growing up, especially those birthday gift bearing parcels.

Talk about pure joy.

Anytime out of town family would send gifts, gleeeeeeee would reign throughout our house
& whether it came days before or days after the actual birthday didn’t matter.
All that mattered was that it was a PACKAGE
& it had arrived.

I can still hear the excitement in those little voices.
! ! A PACKAGE ! ! the birthday child would squeal with delight.

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

& the other two … ?

Neutral indifference from Son, unless it was his birthday of course.
He is a few years older than his sisters and figured they could never, ever get anything as awesome as the sports gear or video game he got on his birthday.

The daughters though ?
They were a whole different story.

The girl who’s birthday it WAS would run around the house feeling, singing, expressing an abundance of birthday happy
& the girl who’s birthday it WASN’T would experience total and complete agony.
She did not get ! ! A PACKAGE ! !
Loud and clear, for all to hear, please say it one more time.
She. DID. NOT. get ! ! A PACKAGE ! !

That’s the only way to describe the pain of it all.

Bawling Bawling and Bawling

Depending on which daughter’s birthday it was, the dramatics varied, but the ! SHE got a package and I didn’t ! reaction never changed.


After a few years of living through this torment each and every, single time ! ! A PACKAGE ! ! arrived, Husband, Son, non-birthday Daughter and I would just ignore the distressed child and carry on with the celebration.

ahhhh, memories.

Today, as Daughter #1 celebrates her birthday, I am hoping she feels every ounce of the wonderful bliss known as ! ! A PACKAGE ! ! and even though it’s not THEIR birthday, I’m pretty darn certain her siblings are feeling that exuberance too.


Simple Things