

I can hear them but, they can’t see me.
They are asking “Where is Love? Has anybody seen Love?”

I am Love

I’m hiding. And soon …
I will be running away. I just have to pack a few things and then I. Am. Leaving. My family  can look and look but they will never find me. Humph.

 They are in the kitchen now and I can hear them wondering ‘Where could Love be?”

I want to say “I’m right here!” But, my sister hurt my feelings. My brother made me sad. And that is why, I am going to run away.

Wait. What?? They are talking about me. Hmmmm.
I think I’ll move a little bit closer so I can hear better.  

“I want Love to come back now!  Now! Now! Now!”

That’s my sister.  She’s kind of bossy.

“Love is quiet. So quiet.  Sometimes I forget Love is even here. But, Love is trusting and sincere
& Love always understands.  oooooooo
Love has to come back. I have to have her near me!”  

Well. Gosh. That makes me feel better. Maybe I’ll stay and listen for just a little while longer.

Shhhhhh. Is that my brother? He is whispering. He sounds sad.  

“I need Love to come back. Love is happy. So happy. I don’t know what I would do without Love. She is wise. She is kind. And she is fun. I need Love to be around me. I just do.”  

Ummm. WoW. My brother has never said anything like that before. Maybe my family really does care.  

“I love Love.” It’s my Mom. “Love is strong. So strong. And Love is beautiful. Love finds good in everything. She builds us up. She makes US strong. We can accomplish anything with Love. Oh Love …. Please come back.”

Everyone was so excited when I said “I’m here! I’m here ! I never left!” They gave me hugs and kisses and high fives! They told me I was important and special. Very special. I promised I would never, ever leave them and I never, ever will. I am here and I will be here for always and forever.

I am Love.

