Turkey Friday

Turkey Friday

With this being the beginning of the holiday season and all, I’ve been thinking about Mom.

A. Lot.

& the one nugget that keeps popping into my head is the year she decided to pizza our Thanksgiving.

She had been talking about it for a very long while
& as much as that woman enjoyed making and baking and hosting a good meal, there was something about Thanksgiving that just wore on her nerves.
“Next year we’re going to order pizza” she’d say after every slice of her turkey feast was delightfully devoured.
“It’s only a day. It’s only food. Yep. NEXT YEAR we will be having pizza for Thanksgiving.”
& one year, we did
& it was a very wonderful day with super yummy pizza.
But after all was said and done, Mom came to the conclusion that for her, there was a difference
& from that Thanksgiving on, turkey reigned in Lorraine’s household each and every Thanksgiving

& that’s all fine and fine !! What works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for others but, truth be told ??  For me, pizza on Thanksgiving is THE preferred route.

It’s easier. It takes the pressure off. It calms the day. Instead of needing to be here and having to be there and gotta do and get ready and hurry up and concerns and timing and well dressed and …

Pizza. Come on over for football and pizza, if you can, whenever you can and ahhhhh … We’ll do Thanksgiving tomorrow.

Which just so happens to be today !! our officially dubbed ‘Turkey Friday’

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Because when you get right down to it, it really doesn’t matter what’s on that table on that particular day at that specific time. What matters are the human beings sharing, the love surrounding and happy

& as I sit here thinking about my mama and how she handled the many this and that’s of life, I’m sure I hear her giggle a few impressive giggles.

Pizza Thursday and Turkey Friday.

Yes Mom, it’s only a day.  It’s only food

& YaY

We’re happy.

