You Got This

You Got This

Three incredibly simple words and yet, when confidently said to another, with a straight in the eyeballs look of unfaltering belief ??

You. Got. This.


& I do mean ! ! WOW ! !

It’s that quiet nod, that beautiful affirmation. It’s a wink of acknowledgement, an unbroken trust

You. Got. This.

Have I mentioned how very much I ADORE Positivity ??!!??? and can we all just take a brief moment to realize the genuine awesomeness in these teeny, tiny, powerful syllables ??!!??

I know you can

and you know you can

and HEY !! suddenly he, she, they and them … ! …

& wouldn’t it be absolutely delightful to live each and every single day in the domino effect of such a determined promise ???

Oh yes, Positivity !!


