Their Songs

Their Songs

We were at a many years ago tailgate, where the pregame festivities were definitely happening, when the song burst into the atmosphere.

“I got my first real six string. Bought it at the five and dime …”

& like well-trained, synchronized swimmers, our hands raised up, we pointed to each other and “I LOVE THIS SONG !!!” tumbled out of our months. We sang, we laughed, we continued our merriment and later, after all was said and done, Son and I confirmed that yes indeed !! ’twas his very favorite, ’twas my very favorite

& that moment, that tune are forever embedded into my heart. His.

Now. We all know I’m not much of a dancer, right ? I sway, I shimmy, I sometimes hop but when it comes to real, honest to goodness dance moves ?? yeah. I’ve got nothing. Until… oh, until !! “she’s mighty-mighty …” starts humming in my ears.

uh huh. Watch. Out

& if  Daughter #1 happens to be by my side ?? it’s as if I am looking in the mirror. Somewhere down the line she mastered the fine art of mimicking and she’s good, real good

& that moment, that tune are forever embedded into my heart. Hers.

I was sitting in the upstairs bedroom waiting for her to finish her evening dilly-dally when Daughter #2 walked up with her cd player and said, “Listen to this song, Mom. I think you’ll like it” and I did !! I soooooo did !! I’ve replayed “and I hope you always stay the same …” a million times since and I guarantee, I will never, EVER tire of those words

& that moment, that tune are forever embedded into my heart. Hers.

“Summer of ’69” by Bryan Adams.

“Brick House” by The Commodores.

“Stay The Same” by Joey McIntyre

They are their songs. They are our songs

& oooooh, those memories ! How I treasure those memories.


I Am My Feelings