

Oooooooo weeeeeeeee.
Did I have some dreams last night !

My mind was bouncing around like a pinball machine.
Back and forth, back and forth, dreaming a dream then continually revisiting another

Believe it or not, there was a theme to my sleeping brain mishmash.
& I’m just now coming out of the fog to realize that theme.

I was walking.
& every few feet I’d come upon someone I know.
I’d stop to chat and although they were smiling, all they wanted to talk about was negative stuff, so I’d end the conversation and walk on.
I’d come upon another person, start up a conversation and the same thing would happen
& it just kept happening.
Then I’d jump back to the first person and it would start all over again.
I kept telling my people to concentrate on the affirmative !! and with smiles and happy faces they would say ok but, continue in the negative.
Finally, I just walked away from the whole darn bunch.
Walk Walk Walk
& here they would come again.
A new group mixed in with the old group, talking the ‘woe is me’ talk.


I’m giggling about it now, though.
All those people in my dream who were sooooo pessimistic are the negative talkers in my wide awake life.
Surrounded by bright, they seem only to be able to focus on dismal.

I’m going to tell all you Negative Nellies now, what I just told you in my dream
Stay Positive.
Stay Positive.
Stay Positive.

If you think positive, and try your best to consistently stay positive …
Positive things can happen.
Positive things will happen.
Positive things do happen.

Believe it, my Negatives Nellies.
It’s that simple.
It’s that true.

& if you happen to be feeling the need to ask if I saw YOU my dream last night …. ??
I’ll never tell !!


Think bright side, my peeps.
Bright Side !!

I Am My Feelings