

That’s what’s in my head this morning.
I have thoughts, ponders, wonders about people
& I have questions.
Questions like …

Why is it that some people walk into my life and I feel I have known them forever ?
Instant. Bond.
As if we have been together before and are picking up the conversation right where we left off
& yet
There are people I have known for many years who feel like strangers.
We start our relationship from scratch at every gathering.
Nice to meet you, again
& again.

There are people who calm me, just by being
& there are people who intimidate me and probably don’t have a clue they cause me such grief.
People I absolutely need
& people who I’m not all that bothered if I ever see again.

I guess what I’m trying to figure out is…
Is it them ?
Is it me ?
& if I feel these feelings about people, how do they feel about me ?
Do I ease ?
I hope so.
Do I fluster ?
I sure hope not.
I really don’t know.

What I do know is there is a connection with certain people that I cannot explain.
People who are not family, who are
& a disconnect with others that I find impossible to understand.
Howdy, Stranger.


See what I mean ?
That’s the heavy duty stuff that’s playing in my brain this morning.
Life’s little mysteries that I may or may not solve.

It’s Deep.
Real Deep.
I’ll need more coffee.


I Am My Feelings


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