I Wish I May

I Wish I May

You might remember a week or so ago I wrote about seeing smiley faces everywhere.
In the clouds, on the ground, in my big, bald tree …
Smiles were literally jumping out at me.
It was Awesome.
I took it as a sign that the universe was happy.

Happy Universe = Good


& now, I’m onto another curious coincidence.
It’s happening whenever I check a time keeping device.
Doesn’t matter where I am or what I’m doing.
If I look to see what time of the day it is, the numbers are doubled up.

12:12 p.m.
3:33 a.m.
4:44 p.m.
11:11 a.m.

All the time.
I giggle at clocks now because it’s happening so often.

Somewhere down the line I heard I’m supposed to make a wish when numbers line up this way
& so, I do
& I do again
& again

& btw
Just in case you’re curious ?
I always wish the same wish.

uh huh

Whether it’s birthday candle wishing or gazing at the night’s first star, one puff puffing the fuzzy off a fuzzy flower or any other lovely little way to make a heavenly request.
I will always whisper the same two worded wish.

It’s simple.

I CAN hear you.
Loud and Clear.
Tell us this mysterious wish you speak of ! !

You know I can’t do that.
Word on the street says if I tell you, my wish won’t come true.
But, I will say that it’s a good one.
A real good one.
In fact, it’s so good that if this two worded wish were to come true, my every other hope and dream would fall into place.
Like happy, little, contented soldiers.

Yep. Yep.
I promise to write all about it.
When my someday wish comes true.

But, for now, to keep me occupied in this in between time … 
I wish I may, I wish I might
I sure love how those clock numbers are lining up so right.


I Am My Feelings