Fourteen Thousand One Hundred Fifteen

Fourteen Thousand One Hundred Fifteen

Repeating one of my favorites, because I know a few somebodies who will experience amazing today.

♥ Enjoy ♥

It felt as if I could reach right up and touch a cloud
& the panoramic view enveloping every single everything in me was absolutely heavenly.

Words cannot do justice and pictures, although beautiful, don’t come close to the majesty of the experience.

It was spiritual.
Raw, simple, awesomely, wonderfully spiritual
& I will carry this happiness with me for a very, very long time.

It is Pikes Peak, the highest summit of the southern Front Range of the Rocky Mountains, in North America
I have adored him for years.


Since the first time I saw him, wayyyyyy back in 1985.
That’s when Sis, Bro-In-Law and Boys packed their belongings, started a whole new life in a brand new state and our family vacations became Colorado
& ohhhhh the family vacations we had in Colorado !

& sitting in the distance each and every year was Pikes Peak.

& every year, I’d remind myself and others, I’d climb that mountain one day.
Oh. Yes. I. Would.
Alllllll the way up to the tippy-top because I swear, Mr Pike was calling my name.
I must see that view !! I’d declare.


Life had different ideas and I have ways of being forever sidetracked
& although Fam and I meandered a few miles up and a few miles down a few different times, I never reached that hilltop.

Until yesterday.
Yesterday, Nephew took his extremely stubborn, I WILL trek it some day !! aunt and did what could have been accomplished ages ago.
We drove.
!! ta-da !!
We drove ! because, you KNOW you can do that, right ?!?

Yesterday, I finally, FINALLY made it to the summit

& I’m pretty darn sure I will never, ever be the same.

You name it, I am most definitely feeling it
& I am convinced if we the people of this world would simply take the time to walk a trail or sit by that lake or listen to those birds or visit by the campfire or drive up that mountain …
A genuinely jollier, peaceful bunch we’d be.


Oh, Pikes Peak !!
I certainly can’t figure out WHY it took me so long to reach your 14,115 foot crown, but I am so, soooooooooo delighted I did
& that message you handed me as I reached new heights ?
I promise.
I will do my best to spread your word.

! weeeeeeee !


Above The Rain