Hey You

Hey You

Yep, YOU.

Wanna know a secret ?
I want to be just like you when I grow up.

Wanna know why ?
Because you are brave.

It takes courage to do what you are doing.
Facing changes and challenges is not easy
& stepping out of a comfort zone into an unknown can be terrifyingly overwhelming.
So, yes, WoW.
I admire your strong
& I need to take this moment to offer applause and bravos because I am so very proud of you.

When you look in that mirror today, you go right ahead and shout YaY

! ! ! YAY YAY YAY ! ! !

Realize where you have been and where you are now.
Acknowledge what you have accomplished
& congratulate yourself on where you will be going next.

You’re doing.
You’re trying.
You’re adjusting.
You’re deciding.

YOU are pretty darn awesome, if you ask me.

Oh Yes I Can