Full Of Smiles

Full Of Smiles

he happily exclaimed to the land of Twitter as I truth be told, honest to goodness, stopped right smack dab in my tracks with a SAY WHAT ????!!!???

smileful ???!??

is that even a word ? ’cause I’m all about and way ok with making up new ones, but how in the world could I get 60+ years into life and not know this shiny gem exists ??!? so ohmygosh !! Google ! tell me ! tell me ! because I soooooo need to know

& yep. There it patiently waited for me to discover and dare I say, my life will never be the same ??


full of smiles.

! ! ! ! !

As someone who’s written quite a few paragraphs about the incredibly simple act of smiling, I feel it’s a call from destiny to pick up the pace and full of smiles, I forever and ever and ever promise to share and be !


& I truly hope YOU have a most smileful of smileful day !!




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