Something Good

Something Good

A Cardiovascular Symposium is where Husband and I sat our bodies yesterday evening and as we listened and processed the information these fine human beings offered, my mind couldn’t help but wander back to the incredible journey he, I and Family were placed upon

& June 24th feels like a million years ago.

Hello, 20/20 hindsight. Everything makes perfect sense now. But I’ll be the first to say, I kicked, I screamed, I pleaded. I pledged and I questioned. Oooooh, how I questioned.

But it’s amazing how strong one becomes when there simply is no other choice. Here it is. Here you go.


 & I sometimes wonder how I was or how I could but ♥ Hopeful ♥ is where I remain.

So to those who are struggling in this often confused and chaotic world we call Home, to those who are facing battles of their own, to those who are thinking, I can’t, I soooo can’t, I’m here to remind

HOPE is there too.

Make it your lifeline, your constant, your friend.
Hope will never, ever desert.
It is the truest of trues. a precious, priceless continuum.
Hope is a confident protector, an awesome force field. So, please grab on and don’t you dare let go.

And on the day you 20/20 hindsight the obstacle that seems somewhat insurmountable, know Hopeful CAN, Hopeful WILL

& something good is going to happen.



With You For You And You