AND I Quote

AND I Quote

Once upon a not so long ago, I’d occasionally ask a random query to those gathered around me.

ONE PUNCH. If you had ONE, absolutely no consequences, just because this person soooooo gets under your skin, PUNCH  to hand to anyone on this planet, who would receive ??

& hmmm.

At the time, I had two so and so’s I wanted to face plant. That’s right. ME. Uh-huh, me who continually tries to promote peace, tranquility and happy things had it out for TWO unbeknownst souls. TWO.

& without handing out names, let’s just say one of these now retired human beings was really, REALLY good at throwing a football especially when playing against my favorite NFL team, the Chicago Bears.


So there my answer would be. All the time, every time. HE of many skills, was my top guy and YaY, life would go on. No harm – no foul, just a question and an opinion. A rather heated opinion, but a mere morsel, it truly was.

One day, as Family and I came together for food and festivities , a ceremony for said superhero happened to be happening at halftime on his welcome back home !! field and as the time ticked closer and closer to his big event, I made it quite clear, I would NOT be watching.


Keep it off my tv, ewww, ick, nope, nada.

An innocent novice to our environment, who had not yet officially been dubbed into this family as He and Daughter were newly dating, didn’t realize my immense dislike. There he sat, minding his biz, miles away and out of my reach, enthusiastically enjoying Mr Wonderful’s accomplishments while gleefully adding his insight to the social media world as SHE, his future sis-in-law, relayed and informed his status-ing to my living room crew. And to this day, I can still hear her sweet, albeit slightly sarcastic,  AND I quote  dancing through my brain as the silliness of this moment continues to tickle my funny.

Long story short.

He hash-tagged admiration for accomplishments

& I went sour.

HASHTAG ??!? He HASH-TAGGED HIM ??!?? # ????? How COULD HE ??!!??

Years later, that # is tied to forever

& how I adore this story.

You see, I’ve definitely lucked out in my Offspring Finding Their True Match Department. Their Balance-r. Their Equalizer. Because had I been given an opportunity to handpick spouses for my children ?? Yep. Boom. Done.

I love not only how they perfectly (& sometimes not so perfectly) offset the life partner part of this deal but how these one time strangers, who met and became family simply because they fell in love with a brother and two sisters, now share a beautifully unique bond. A bond that will grow bigger and better with each passing year as it expands auntie and uncle land, into older and wiser, into shared secrets and dreams and heartaches and jollies

& I need them to know, I am BIG HUGGING today, that I LOVE what each brings to our table and how I cannot wait to witness their collective futures.



I couldn’t have quoted any better.








