Simple. Happy.

Simple. Happy.

We spent a grand total of 20 hours in the car together this past weekend so random would you rather ?? questions and what’s your opinion about ?? comments became the inching closer to our destination thing

& it was somewhere in a deja vu moment when he said, yep !! I tell people it’s a universe message all the time when I realized ! hey ! my words were noticed

and YaY

Simple. Happy.

Sister texted me during the week and wondered if it would be possible to find quiet somewhere in our busy because she had an important message to relay so, shhhh, long story short, we did

and it was in the midst of this kind card and genuineness

when it knock upside my head occurred to me ! hey ! I just might be making a difference

and YaY

Simple. Happy.

A short while ago I wrote a blog about an amazing piece of candy, titled Super Cool and as with all my syllables and paragraphs and some might say infinite rambles, I hashtag, I toss into the world and I go about my biz hoping my ponders bring that miscellaneous  somebody a smile, a laugh, a pleasant today

& bam

it’s those out of the blue, completely just because-s that remind me why I do what I do and ! hey ! maybe I should continue to DO

& YaY

Simple. Happy.

So what’s my point you quietly exasperate ??

Find your YOU !! and run with it !!

& don’t you dare allow anyone to second guess or silence your voice.

BE YOU. whoever you are !! determinedly stick with and continually applaud yourself from now until forever and spread that sunshine every single everywhere !! because this world needs the pure, unfiltered uniqueness of US and the day we acknowledge this domino effect, incredibly simple  fact ??



