

Blank Stares.

Roaring silence.



um. Is anybody out there ??!??

You name it, my self-consciousness and I have accepted, confirmed and lived it rather wholeheartedly for quite the while. But, the key here is –ed

as in ! past tense, as in ! not anymore, as in ! that was yesterday and yesterday’s gone, as in ! Oh Yes, I Can.

“Hey !! what about those Full Moon Monkeys that come around with their negative nellie vibes ?!!?”, you exclaim. “You’ve described in detail how you allow them in, how you let them pick at your brain, how you …”

& “yep”, I genuinely reply. Those doggone primates are still an occasional bother. gaaaaa. But the good news is, they don’t own me like before. Definitely, not like before.

So, what’s my point ?!!? you ever so patiently ponder.

& in impossible and improbable
& in it will, it does, it can.

BELIEVE that anything is attainable
& dreams really do come true.

In miracles.

Because once that mindset is adjusted and positivity happily tumbles in ?? I guarantee !! DOUBT will forever be referred to as



Oh Yes I Can