Little Plant

Little Plant

I’m finding it hard to explain why, after allllll these year of noticing, it took me until yesterday afternoon to finally understand. Like a gentle smack upside my head by a much too patient Universe, there it was !! and oh. yeah. NOW I see !! NOW I get it !!

She always reaches for the sun !! Always !! and no matter how many times I twist and maneuver her, as I quite often do, she knows which way to find the light

& if THAT ain’t an eye opener ??


A lesson as clear as day and yet it took me year after year after sprout after shoot after flower after shrub after vine and greenery to comprehend the simpleness of it all.

Seek the sun. Capture that bright

& yay.

!! YAY !!

Thank you, Little Plant.

I will.

I soooooo will.


I Am My Feelings