Every Single Day

Every Single Day

I like preparing my coffee the night before.
Couple scoops.

This way, all I have to do is press my favorite ‘on’ and wait for that lovely beep.
No fiddling or fussing.

So yesterday, that’s exactly what I did.  Hellooooo, ON.
I waited and I anticipated because that’s what I do every morning
& it’s what I’ve done every single a.m. since the beginning of time.

Except yesterday, nothing happened.
& I thought WHAT THE ?!? until I remembered, I forgot.
I was preoccupied the night before, I did not set up the brew.
No worries though, it still tasted good.

I may have mentioned a time or three how I love my walks.
A zillion times.


My steps are very important to me
& I feel a peace among those wonderful trees.
So on the occasions where I don’t make it to my walking spot, I am a bit out of sorts because I’ve grown to need those steps and that trail.
They have become a special part of my life and of my every single days.

The sunrise.
I am extremely vigilant about catching those sunrises.
Doesn’t matter if they are clouded over or not.
I try to look every morning, just to see
& when I miss one ?
Truth be told, I am a bit bummed because viewing that sunrise has become such an important part of  …?
My every single days.

I know these are somewhat insignificant examples but, I’m trying to make a point
& the point I’m trying to make is that I take a lot of things for granted.
It’s there.
I expect it to be there.
It’s supposed to be there.

I need to realize just how lucky I am that all those little or big, teeny tiny or amazingly beautiful things are there, have been there and will continue to be there every single day.

To be able to press that button, drink my coffee, enjoy the sunrises and take my walks are things that should not be taken lightly or for granted.
It is precious.
Be it the mostly good, the sometimes bad or the occasional ugly …
All of THIS is an awesome gift that must be appreciated.

Every. Single. Day.

Please excuse me now.
I need to hug Mr Coffee.



I Am My Feelings