I Call Him Friend

I Call Him Friend

Not too long ago, I opened a door to find two well dressed, smiling gentlemen, with pamphlets in hand, politely staring back at me. Pleasant Good Mornings !! were exchanged but before they could utter another sentence, I gently raised my hand with a STOP motion. I knew what was coming. I did not want to waste their time.

I informed those kind human beings they would be preaching to the choir, so go ahead and carry on somewhere else because I was absolutely, without a doubt certain !! that if I were destined to die that very day, my next stop would be Jesus.

Errrs,  ummms,  well now and a couple of oks and off they trotted to save another soul and I sure hope no offense was taken when they realized yep, this one is fine !! thank you very much, this one is just fine.

Funny thing though, I do not consider myself religious. At all. Spiritual, on the other hand ?  Ooooooh yes. Very much so

& Jesus or God or Universe or Higher Power or Lord or or or or or whatever you choose to call Him ?


I call him Friend because He is soooooo # 1 with me.  We are connected on a level of trust that I sometimes find hard to comprehend but, it and He are there. Every single day, every single where, always and forever, THERE.

So, don’t mind me as I repeat words I have said quite a few times before. I’m just trying to understand people. I am trying really, REALLY hard to understand some people.

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Those who claim to know Jesus.

I sometimes wonder if their Jesus and my Jesus are the same Jesus.

My Jesus is not judging, jealous, divisive or hateful.
He is never arrogant or self righteous.
Negative ?
Fakey ?
Ugly ?
Not ever.

My Jesus is kind, concerned and caring.
He’s loving, loyal, and accepting.
He forgives.
He understands.
He builds.

& doubt ?
What’s doubt ?
There is no such thing, with my Jesus.

& when someone believes in Him
I mean really, REALLY believes in my Jesus
That someone will be just like Him.
In everything they do, everything they say.
Because being like Jesus is automatic, genuine, natural.

It’s simple.
It’s beautiful
It’s so incredibly easy.

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Hey my Jesus, my friend ?

Can you PLEASE help me understand ?
