Ramble On

Ramble On

Sometimes I think I ramble way, waaaaay too much
& that these daily babbles of mine make sense only to me.

On those days of doubt I reread my blogs,
my stories,
my poems
and I analyze.
I question
& every so often, I wonder ‘WHY do I continue to do this ?? what the heck is the point ?!?’

Then I snap out of it.


& I tell the hesitatingly practical, skeptic side of my brain to shush.

My Dreamer is in charge.
She’s taken over the controls
& she believes that anything,
is possible in this great big, wonderful world
I’m going to follow wherever that believer leads.

Why do I continue to do this ?
Because I love doing this, that’s why.
I love writing.
It’s that’s simple
What the heck is the point ?
errrr… uh …
Honestly, I don’t have a clue.
All I know is THIS feels right.
Very right
& so, I continue.
Trusting the mysterious path to who knows where and enjoying each and every minute

& as I look out my window and watch that beautiful ball in the sky make her magnificent entrance,
I am reminded once again.

yes indeedy do … ! …

Anything IS possible.

Ramble on.


I Am My Feelings