Everywhere ♥ Everything

Everywhere ♥ Everything

With a feeling of hope and happiness and love and confidence, I BIG HUG each of you on this beautiful Easter day as I burst with gleeeeeee remind and repeat … ! …


Everywhere. And Everything. He is YOU. He’s Me. He is sunshine and warmth and patience and ability. He is the sky. He is the moon. He’s stars and critters, trees and fields. He’s rivers and mountains and blades of grass. He’s a baby’s cry and children’s laughter. He is rain and snow, loud and tranquil. He’s uniqueness and caring and colors and sincerity and He’s right here.


with us, every single moment of every single day.


& there just ain’t enough exclamation points in this whole wide world to convey the joy this brings to my insides ! So, smile !! share !!  & have yourself a very, VERY wonderful today.



‘Cause Jesus Told Me So