29 or so

29 or so

ooooooh weeeeee.
I had to dig deep into the archives for these sentences …

Say Cheese

Blink Blink

but I needed them to set the stage, so please pardon typos, miscues and absence of exclamation points, as I was just beginning this journey in writing.

& yeah.
Do I have the pictures ! !
dating back to 1977 or so.
I think.
Although, there’s this one

from my very first, 1st place prize …

In The Grotto

which will surely tumble us back into  …

but wait,
I’m sidetracking.

So. Pictures.
And picture albums.
I have lots.
And I’ve made it my mission, to sort these fantastical buggers,

’cause they’ve hunkered in the same corner for too many a day
and well,
it’s time.
And I know I’ve made these extreme promises before,

The Big Purge

if you believed me, I apologize, but sincere, I promise I was,
it’s just …

I oftentimes am.
But this time, my brand, shiny new, plan is to toss out the duds,
save and re-book those images that will forever touch my heart
and give alllllll the others to their rightful owners, the person in the pic.
Whether that person in the pic will actually want these images from their yesterdays, remains to be seen, but hey, I applaud me anyways


A book a day during the month of November is what I vow.
Enjoying every darn minute of this classic walk down memory lane is what I’ll do.

Yep. Yep.
So get ready, peeps who will share this awesomeness with yours truly.

’cause, dang, I love pictures,
and picture albums,
all 29 or so.

It’s just.
Fingers crossed, I don’t sidetrack.


Simple Things