Bouncing Back
Have you ever tossed words, actions, simpleness or just because-s into the universe only to have it’s positivity bounce right back ‘atcha in THE most delightful way ??
Well, I sure hope so, because this loveliness is like no other !! as if attached to a magnet, what one offers, one receives and it makes for a truly remarkable experience.
I especially enjoy when this phenomenon happens with my writing, because most of the time, I chug along, placing my scribble-scrabbles here and there, hoping, but not fully realizing, the impact behind my no-frills pen, when out of nowhere ! YaY ! optimism returned !!
So today, I’d like to give a jovial shout-out to
& all the incredible YOU-s who make this journey soooooo doable
& here’s an irresistible thought as we begin this brand new today, whatever YOU are, whatever YOU do, keep your uniquely awesome energy flowing and dancing and boomeranging and sprinting and singing and bouncing because just when you think no one is noticing, the effervescence of YOU comes cheerfully tumbling back
& WoW !!
What a powerful domino effect of BEAUTIFUL we be !!