Today’s Song

Today’s Song

Last October, I titled it

I Think I’ll Write

and ooooo weeeee, this is going to be a good one, I happily vowed to me.
Oh yes, yes it is !!


Busyness, holidays, this, that, here, there, and yep, sidetracked, is my middle name.

Then in April, having an hour or two by myself and staring at that mountaintop I hold so dear, I penned a few lines.
But, it wasn’t until Grandson asked for a notebook on our travels to Big Bro’s baseball tourney this weekend, and his what’s THIS, Gramma Jacki ??  wonder …

As I explained my slow, steady, bursts of syllables process, I told this wide-eyed boy, I’d show him my new poem when it’s complete.
Truth be told though, until that very moment, I kinda, sorta forgot I had started, stopped, scribbled and scratched, on that perfect day in Colorado.

Hey Yesterday, we finally did it.
Hey Grandson, thanks for the push.
Hey New Poem, I appreciate your patience.
Hey Universe, enjoy.

Today’s Song

I think I’ll write a song today
A simple, happy tune
To add a bit of loveliness
with cheers, for what might bloom

I think I’ll sing this song today
For those who care to hear
Reminders of this gift we live
my anthem, bright and clear

I think I’ll share this song today
Place sunshine in a vibe
For what I seek, I know I’ll find
together, we can thrive

I think I’ll be a song today
I’ll surely try my best
With joyful heart, I celebrate
this pledge, this vow, this quest.

I think I’ll write a song today
A simple, happy tune
To add a bit of loveliness
with cheers, for what might bloom …
