♥ winning ♥

♥ winning ♥

Feels like the perfect day for a rerun.


♥ ♥ ♥

I was minding my biz, flippin’ channels the other p.m. when I happened across one of those Everything Is Wrong, Nothing Is Right negative, news shows

& youch.

A whole entire minute is all I could tolerate, before I bye-byed the angry host, ’cause spitting hate with a smile was the name of that game. But as I turned away, vowing never to repeat this mistake again, part of me genuinely felt pity.

Imagine lugging that monstrosity around everywhere you go, putting it to bed at night, waking up with it by your side. Exhausting is what it has to be, demanding and manipulative too. And how one can look in the mirror, carry about with acquaintances, eat breakfast, lunch and dinner, say hi to the guy next door and go to church on Sunday with that insistently dark cloud of awfulness hovering and hovering and forever !! hovering !! is completely beyond me.

Hate is hate is hate is hate and there’s absolutely no other way to describe it. Hate consumes and suffocates. Hate stifles and diminishes and how dare someone with a fancy pulpit to speak upon use such a unique opportunity in such an ugly way ?? it’s shameful, but here I stand, witness to the domino effect of it’s slithering ways. I can see how hate connives and maneuvers and excuses and ignites with those twists and turns and tugs and taunts, but it works. It’s sickening and sneaky, but it WORKS and before we know it ?? bam Hate is everywhere, instilled in each of us with those daily, dismal reminders and hurtful words.

So, here’s a thought as we fa la la into the holidays with our merry wishes and I SWEAR resolutions,

step away,

turn it off,

Don’t Listen. Don’t follow.

It is sooooooo incredibly easy to just S T O P and start refreshingly new !! Replace with positive and I !! promise !! you will find light and cheery and love thy neighbor as thyself and merry and bright allllll year long and it’s a beautiful day every day and !! hey !! this world ain’t such a bad place after all and yay !!


& what about those miserable souls who continue to believe we must stay huddled and muddled is dislike and distrust ??

Take the air out of anything and eventually, it deflates.


Love wins.
