Hydrating Me

Hydrating Me

Yes. It’s true. Waaaaay down deep into the archives, I dove

Push !

Push ! 2

Giving Blood

to explain how the simple act of drinking water, of staying hydrated, of consuming a daily quota, is amazingly life changing. But, duh on me. It wasn’t until I received this awesomeness for my most recent birthday

where my eyeballs became !! TA-DA !! wide open. ‘Cause with this jug o’ mine, I can see, I can tally ! I no longer yap the H20 yap, I gulp the H20 gulp and what a difference a steady goal of

has made in my life. And now, I’ve become that annoying someone who questions the amount of others. You drinking enough water ?? You staying hydrated ?? Ya know, the answer to whatever ails you is most likely hydration …

Funny thing, I remember those very same sentences exclaimed to me, but did I listen ?? Did I follow such sound advice ???

Heck no. I’m a stubborn soul.

What finally turned my tide ?? hmmm. Older, wiser, I suppose ?? But I’m guessing it’s the fact, the kind souls who grew weary of my I should get me one of those water jug calculator thingies … actually purchased one of those water jug calculator thingies.


& if you’d like to know exactly how much, per day water, YOU need in your life, here’s a handy, dandy math assignment …

(uh-huh. They lost me at divide that by …)


So. There you have your Friday wisdom from someone who should have known better a long, L O N G while ago. Now go and have yourself a lovely today

& yep

