Hey there, Covid

Hey there, Covid

It’s me again. Just wanted you to know, Husband and I received Booster 2 last week. And yay.


I’m feeling pretty darn proud of us, I am.

And yeah, you and I have had many a one sided conversation since you entered our orbit in March, 2020. I wanted to add each and every blog link to prove the amount of energy I’ve used and how much you’ve altered my decision making throughout. Even started a list, I did,

then I thought, na, nope, we ain’t going there again, C-19. I can’t. I won’t. Because this go around is different, my friend, as if a force-field has been placed around and inside, exclaiming, I. AM. DONE. 


You’ve bruised relationships, you’ve set boundaries, you’ve hurt feelings, you’ve owned my brain cells with a should I ? shouldn’t I ?? grip for waaaaaay too many days and I’m just not going to allow your control over my movements anymore. From this moment forward, I will go and do if I want and as I please. And, you best believe !! I’ll booster again and again and a thousand times again, if I must, to counter your arrogance and I will repeat what I’ve tried to over and over, convey …

& yep, Respect

Dear Covid-19

Your lesson was crystal-clear from the beginning, C, and I could never understand why others couldn’t see what was so obvious to me. But this world’s ways are oftentimes inexplicably elusive and I’m tired, I’m kinda, sorta, extremely tired of trying to put together a puzzle with a forever missing piece.

So, yeah, I hate to break it to you this way, but we’re finished, Covid. My sentences and I are moving on and away, your cloak of heaviness, I release

& life, with wide open eyeballs and a boatload of hope, I soooooo welcome back.


Above The Rain