Oh, Consequences

Oh, Consequences

If it bothered me THAT much, I’d write about it, I huffed to this person who deciphers me well and I’m just blowing off steam, anyways, just saying words … but, yup, I know and he knows what he says is true. It’s been bugging my brain for a while now

& so …

Part of me feels the need to apologize, but apologize for what ?? I’m not all that sure. I took a stance. I held firm.  Vaccinated only, please.


Truth be told, though ?? When it was YOU kept away with my strong vaccination stance,

I gave 0% thought, passing off your UN  with an ooooooh well, that’s just tooooooo bad ’cause actions = consequences.


But when that shoe was placed on the other foot and it was I who stepped away because of my strong vaccination stance ??

those doggone consequences hurt. Hard. Feelings were ruffled, for sure, and bruised, I am, as you were too.  But bruises eventually heal, so yes, we will be fine

& not to use, use and overuse the reason why, but a difficult point in life is where my insistent mind-frame originates. And in trying my best to never, ever go back there, caution leads my steps. It’s that simple.

The good news is a lesson in empathy has definitely been learned. Wide-eyed discovery of what I absolutely could not / did not realize before. And I need you to know, I get it now. Really, REALLY. To be the one not there, to experience pictures and joy secondhand … and consequences.

oooooooh, consequences.

And When